'Tis the Season

Once again it is December – winter, snow, Christmas, and some special activities at the Fosston Community Library Arts Center. The new exhibit at the Sorenson Gallery is by local photographer Marc Lindgren. The display includes colorful photographs from a trip to Cuba a few years ago and a video of Marc’s travels. Stop in and see it during library hours through December. On Thursday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. there will be a virtual event featuring authors Sarah Stonich and Jess Lourey. The interactive format invites readers to an authors’ salon where they can ask questions about writing life. Lourey’s latest book, Litani,is a domestic suspense novel exploring the satanic panic that swept Minnesota in the 1980s, and Stonich’s Reeling is a sequel to her bestseller, Fishing! To access this event, go to the LARL Website at larl.org. Preschool storytime continues to be offered at the library at 10:30 on Fridays, and Kids Club with games, bingo, crafts, and Legos meets on Wednesdays at 3:30, although on Dec. 22, an early-out day at school, kids can head to the library as soon as school is out. Although the library writers’ group was a casualty of the pandemic and now longer meets, here is a poem I wrote for it a few years ago: ‘Tis the Season It’s here, it’s here, at last it’s here - That special season of the year. Black Friday shoppers line up early, Racing for bargains hurly-burly. The turkey’s eaten, we’ve had our naps, In the stores, we’ll do our laps, Hoping to find that perfect gift At a price that appeals to our thrift. Christmas music fills the airways. Garlands of green cascade down the stairways. Christmas trees are up and lighted. Santas galore will be sighted. Christmas shopping season’s come, Buy this, buy that, don’t be a bum. What all this means, I do not know, But something happened long ago, A wondrous birth we should remember Celebrated in December. Holiday closings: December 24 – The library closes at 12 noon and will be closed Christmas Day. December 31 – The library closes at 5 p.m. and will be closed New Years Day.


The Dark Days of November